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Mission and Aims:


WisARD is working to make the Wisbech area prosperous, pleseant, vibrant - a place to be proud of.

    Revitalise our heritage
    Encourage tourism, publicise the heritage, increase prosperity
    Make the town safer for pedestrians (Pedestrians first, Putting people first,
      Cyclists priority, horse riders)
   Link rural parishes to the market town of Wisbech
   Make local people become part of WisARD (by identifying their needs), involving
      them, and cooperating with other voluntary and statutory bodies.
   Raise the skills of the workforce through training and encouraging new and existing
   Change the perceptions of Wisbech for the better
   Improve the environment, increase access to the countryside.
   Be an organisation for the long haul
   • Find funding for our work
   Promote and encourage sustainable cultural life in the town and the villages
   To continue to develop tourism in the area